# Test guide
This document facilitates an example of working commands to run two networks on a set of drand daemons. Nodes will be created using docker-compose
The file can be found on drand repo, under <project-folder>/test/docker*utils/docker-compose.yml
# Pre requisites
- Build docker images as follows:
make build_docker_all
- Start drand nodes as follows:
docker-compose up -d
Note: This docker compose file is located in drand repository here (opens new window).
# Start new networks
# Default network
# Start leader
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_3 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --leader --nodes 4 --threshold 3 --period "5s"' &
# Start the rest of the nodes
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_2 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_1 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_0 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable' &
- As it is thedefault network, the beacon id is not set on commands.
- Long-term keys for default network are not explicitly created by the operator because they are created automatically by docker image on startup.
# Second network
# Generate keys
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_0 /bin/sh -c 'drand generate-keypair --tls-disable --id test_beacon "drand_0:8080"' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_1 /bin/sh -c 'drand generate-keypair --tls-disable --id test_beacon "drand_1:8180"' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_2 /bin/sh -c 'drand generate-keypair --tls-disable --id test_beacon "drand_2:8280"' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_3 /bin/sh -c 'drand generate-keypair --tls-disable --id test_beacon "drand_3:8380"' &
# Start leader
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_3 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --leader --nodes 4 --threshold 3 --period "60s" --id test_beacon' &
# Start the rest of the nodes
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_2 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_1 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_0 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_3:8380 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
# Resharing networks
# Default network
# Pre requisites
- Copy group file .drand/default/groups/drand_group.toml from node 0 to node 4 volume
# Start on leader
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_0 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --leader --nodes 5 --threshold 4' &
# Start on the rest of the nodes
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_2 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_1 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_3 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_4 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_0:8080 --from ./data/drand/.drand/multibeacon/default/groups/drand_group.toml --tls-disable' &
- As it is thedefault network, the beacon id is not set on commands.
- Nodes which are part of the running network must use the flag --transition
- New nodes which will be part of this network must use the flag --from, providing the actual network group file. This file can be found on other nodes.
# Second network
# Pre requisites
- Copy group file .drand/test_beacon/groups/drand_group.toml from node 0 to node 4 volume
# Generate keys
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_4 /bin/sh -c 'drand generate-keypair --tls-disable --id test_beacon "drand_4:8480"' &
# Reshare on leader
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_0 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --leader --nodes 5 --threshold 4 --id test_beacon' &
# Reshare on the rest of the nodes
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_2 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_1 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_3 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --transition --connect drand_0:8080 --tls-disable --id test_beacon' &
- nohup docker exec -u drand drand_4 /bin/sh -c 'drand share --connect drand_0:8080 --from ./data/drand/.drand/multibeacon/test_beacon/groups/drand_group.toml --tls-disable' &
- Nodes which are part of the running network must use the flag --transition
- New nodes which will be part of this network must use the flag --from, providing the actual network group file. This file can be found on other nodes.