# Developer

This section helps developers build applications that use drand as a source of randomness. For help running your own drand network, see the Operator's Guide.

The current public League of Entropy drand mainnet API endpoints are:

  • https://api.drand.sh (HTTPS endpoint, also available over HTTP)
  • https://api2.drand.sh (HTTPS endpoint, also available over HTTP)
  • https://api3.drand.sh (HTTPS endpoint, also available over HTTP)
  • https://drand.cloudflare.com (HTTPS endpoint)
  • https://api.drand.secureweb3.com:6875 (HTTPS endpoint)
  • /dnsaddr/api.drand.sh (1st-level libp2p gossipsub relay endpoint)
  • /dnsaddr/api2.drand.sh (1st-level libp2p gossipsub relay endpoint)
  • /dnsaddr/api3.drand.sh (1st-level libp2p gossipsub relay endpoint)

There are two networks on mainnet:

  • default which is running the chained scheme with public keys on G1
  • quicknet which is running the unchained scheme with public keys on G2

default network chain hash: 8990e7a9aaed2ffed73dbd7092123d6f289930540d7651336225dc172e51b2ce

quicknet network chain hash: 52db9ba70e0cc0f6eaf7803dd07447a1f5477735fd3f661792ba94600c84e971

Note that the fastnet network has been deprecated.

In order to retrieve randomness from a drand network you should preferentially use the drand client libraries or the drand-client CLI, which support the different mechanisms and perform verification for every value obtained.

Alternatively, you can interact directly with the endpoints. Make sure to manually verify every value:

Finally, for development purposes, we recommend also testing your code against our Testnet endpoints. See our dedicated documentation entry about testnet endpoints.